10 Reasons To Volunteer
July 22, 2015
Many nonprofits are adept at finding innovative ways to utilize our limited resources within the financial constraints faced by our organizations. By doing this, we are better able to accomplish our nonprofits’ missions. One of the most valuable ways to enhance our resources is to increase our reach with the aid of volunteers. NC GreenPower has nearly 700 individuals on our Speakers Bureau volunteer list, and most years we have almost 100 active volunteers staffing events for us!
Volunteers aren’t just “free labor” in my mind. They are advocates, important to the growth of any nonprofit, and especially NC GreenPower. We operate statewide but our offices are based in Raleigh, NC. Just this past April, we had 14 events across the state – no chance they could all be staffed by NCGP employees! Without our volunteers, we would miss out on so many Earth Month events, speaking opportunities, and never would have the opportunity to spread the word about our program across this great state.
In our annual survey, some volunteers feel bad because they could only staff one event that past year. That’s all we need! Just one event – 3 hours of your time – is enough to help us fill a shift for an event. 71% of our volunteers say they volunteer 20 hours or more annually for nonprofits, including us. Thanks for giving your time!
UC San Diego put together this list
Top 10 Reasons to Volunteer
#10: It’s good for you.
Volunteering provides physical and mental rewards.
- Reduces stress: Experts report that when you focus on someone other than yourself, it interrupts usual tension-producing patterns.
- Makes you healthier: Moods and emotions, like optimism, joy, and control over one’s fate, strengthen the immune system.
#9: It saves resources.
Volunteering provides valuable community services so more money can be spent on local improvements.
- The estimated value of a volunteer’s time is $15.39 per hour.
#8: Volunteers gain professional experience.
You can test out a career.
#7: It brings people together.
As a volunteer you assist in:
- Uniting people from diverse backgrounds to work toward a common goal
- Building camaraderie and teamwork
#6: It promotes personal growth and self esteem.
Understanding community needs helps foster empathy and self-efficacy.
#5: Volunteering strengthens your community.
As a volunteer you help:
- Support families (daycare and eldercare)
- Improve schools (tutoring, literacy)
- Support youth (mentoring and after-school programs)
- Beautify the community (beach and park cleanups)
#4: You learn a lot.
Volunteers learn things like these:
- Self: Volunteers discover hidden talents that may change your view on your self worth.
- Government: Through working with local non-profit agencies, volunteers learn about the functions and operation of our government.
- Community: Volunteers gain knowledge of local resources available to solve community needs.
#3: You get a chance to give back.
People like to support community resources that they use themselves or that benefit people they care about.
#2: Volunteering encourages civic responsibility.
Community service and volunteerism are an investment in our community and the people who live in it.
#1: You make a difference.
Every person counts!