Featured Volunteer – Noah A.

March 8, 2018

NC GreenPower is incredibly grateful for our volunteers!

Our “Featured Volunteer” series will recognize some of our do-gooders for their dedication and service.

Noah is an NC GreenPower volunteer from Raleigh, NC. He first staffed an event for us at the EV Electric Drive Celebration in September 2017. Over the past few months, he’s been regularly signing up for nearly all of our events and has gone above and beyond to help us spread our message.

Noah graduated from Appalachian State University’s Appropriate Technology program and has had an interest in renewable energy for as long as he’s been aware of the need for a transition away from unsustainable sources.

When asked about his interest in renewable energy and the Solar Schools program, Noah said: “You can recite from textbooks and do endless testing, but something like this, which involves a practical experience and change to the world around you like the solar school program, carries weight to it. We ought to be making as many of those experiences as possible for our future college students, to help them in making the right choices for their careers and setting opportunity to discover passions.”

A family member recommended him to NC GreenPower when he was looking for productive experience in his field. He enjoys the conversations he has with event attendees and other presenters the most. “You’ll never know for sure who you’ll be running into out there, and it’s rare to go an event without having a notable discussion with someone new.”

Noah described one of his most memorable accomplishments of his volunteer experience as speaking with parents who were deeply interested in applying their children’s schools to the solar school program. “This has happened a couple of times now, and it’s nice to see that the program won’t have any trouble finding new candidates for the future. There’s something uplifting about the enthusiasm they show towards planning, right then and there, how they’ll get the school submitted.”

We are very excited to have volunteers like Noah. NC GreenPower operates using a small staff so to help us spread the word about the program, we depend on hundreds of volunteers to provide education and outreach to the public. If you’re interested in helping out, you can sign up here.