Reasons to apply for an NCGP Solar Schools grant

January 25, 2018

NC GreenPower is excited to announce we are accepting applications for the fourth year of our Solar Schools Program starting January 2, 2018 through February 28! The NC GreenPower Solar Schools Pilot provides grants for a 3-5 kW solar photovoltaic (PV) educational project, complete with a weather station, real-time monitoring, curriculum and training for teachers. Any K-12 school in North Carolina may apply for a 50% matching grant, up to $10,000. Schools are reviewed on a number of criteria – more information about the application process and eligibility requirements can be found in the Application Information document.

students solar array

Students of Mt. Pleasant High School in front of their solar array


Are you interested in applying but need some help getting your principal on board with the Solar Schools Program? Here are some good reasons why your school should apply:

Your school will receive a complete 3-5 kW solar educational installation

The package includes a weather station and real time data monitoring system

teacher training

Teacher Training with NEED

Grade-level appropriate curriculum and teacher training is provided

STEM curriculum

NEED Curriculum Kit

Grant funding is provided!

check presentation school


Submitted questions and answers regarding our Solar Schools program can be found here in our FAQ section. Questions should be emailed to

To download this document as a PDF please click here.